Cast Iron Plumbing


Cast Iron Plumbing – Is it a problem?

Cast Iron Plumbing
Is your home built in the 1960s or even earlier? Chances are your Drain, Waste, and Vent Pipes (DWV pipes) are made of cast iron. Why is this an issue?
Cast iron was a great material to use originally, but the problem with cast iron is it rusts from the inside out over years of use. Cast iron can continue to rust and eventually clog up like plaque in an artery. It also becomes susceptible to cracks and collapse after years of use. Typically speaking, cast iron plumbing is good for around 50 – 60 years. It can fail sooner than this time frame or later. I have inspected 100 year old homes and the cast iron DWV pipes were still functioning properly, but this is the exception and not the rule. Cast iron plumbing is a potentially costly issue that you may want to consider and plan repairs if purchasing an older home.
The pictures above are of two different homes I recently inspected that have cast iron plumbing. Both homes had issues with the cast iron plumbing and will require replacement. One was rusted from the inside out pretty significantly and the other was cracked and leaking sewage onto the basement floor.
If you have any questions please let me know, I would be glad to discuss further.