Which Way Should Insulation Face?

304 Inspections
304 Inspections
304 Inspections
304 Inspections

Which Way Should Insulation Face?

Which way should the paper on my insulation face?  Does it really matter?  It’s in the attic or crawlspace; so does it really matter?

Simply put, the paper on insulation should always face the living area.  This means that in unconditioned areas of your home, like the attic and crawlspace, the paper on fiberglass insulation batts should not be visible.  The paper should always be facing the surface closest to the living area.

This is important because the paper on insulation is actually a vapor barrier that helps keep the water vapor in the conditioned indoor air from moving outward; whether it’s warm or cool, or even moist.   If it is installed upside down, then the conditioned moist air escapes from inside and gets trapped next to the subfloor in a crawlspace for example.  That water vapor can cause condensation, which over time can cause moisture damage. This can then cause the subfloor to rot away.

In most homes I inspect I find the insulation installed incorrectly in unconditioned spaces, such as the crawlspace, attic, or unfinished basement. These photographs are from a recent inspection I completed where the insulation was installed incorrectly.

If you have any questions give me a call or text!

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